4 Field Service Management Methods For Busy Fire And Security Teams

Ann Dewar
May 15, 2023

One of the most challenging parts of every fire and security firm is juggling job management. Nearly all field service businesses struggle to keep the plates spinning. Especially if they rely on paper-based processes.

The default methods – job cards, t-cards, and email – aren’t always enough to keep busy teams productive, effective, and efficient.

Where the magic comes is having a reliable field service management system. It’s like any good tool – once you know how to use it well, it’s much easier to get jobs done.

In this blog, we examine the four most efficient field service management methods for busy fire and security firms.

Let’s get into it. 👇

Field service management methods for busy fire and security teams

OK, let’s be real. Fire and security teams have a lot on their plate. From rigorous health and safety requirements, and compliance hurdles to jump through – to creating a healthy, safe, and high-performing team.

The truth is, vast health and safety regulations make effective job management critical. But it needs to be easy and painless, so engineers can fit more jobs into one day without compromising quality and critical safety checks.

That’s why you need slick, efficient, and highly productive field service management methods.

So, is it worth taking some time to review some of the best ways to overcome productivity hurdles, and introduce some smooth and efficient practices?

We think so.

Here’s a quick summary of the top methods:

1. Minimise engineer data entry

One of the biggest wastes of an engineer's time is paperwork. And the worst part is that most of this is unnecessary.

With the right tech, everything from timesheets to worksheets can be automatically added, with minimal input needed for completion. Route planning can be automated and customers automatically notified of an engineer's ETA when they’re on their way.

You can even convert paper forms into mobile checklists, which engineers can easily check off while on site. (More on this next).

2. Provide engineers with real-time information

Phone calls, texts, and emails are inefficient communication methods for busy fire and security engineers. On the other hand, a cloud-based mobile app gives them access to all the information they need on a mobile device.

For example, with the right tech, field-based engineers can see:

  • The most updated version of their schedule.
  • Customer information, service history, and warranties.
  • Health and safety information, certificates, and sheets.
  • File Library containing additional docs such as site-specific plans, machine specs, etc.

All this information is critical for fire and security teams who need access to the latest client documents, safety checks, and client history.

3. Give clients self-service tools

It’s obviously important to provide field-based engineers with instant access and updates but today's customers demand real-time information too. They’re looking for something that makes it really easy for them to request service appointments or check service history without having to deal with a customer service centre.

Consider offering clients a portal that provides access to information like their appointment time, job cards and even their engineer's ETA.

This also has the added benefit of being a self-serve, 24/7 service, available to customers at a time and place that works for them.

4. Simplify scheduling

Aside from access to real-time information, there are other reasons a fire and security firm might look for a software solution: the need for simplification of field-staff scheduling.

Think about it. If your daily workload comprises jobs in several locations, it’s vital to be able to efficiently plan where and when to send your field engineers on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

In fact, whatever the level of scheduling complexity, the right software can work out the best and most cost-effective routes and make it simple for the administrator, too.

With the right tech, you can reduce logistical issues, improve customer service, and cut down on wasted time, with a transparent and dynamic approach to job scheduling.

With all of these best practice methods in mind, let’s now take a look at a real-life example.👇

Fire and Security case example: Securitay

Securitay implemented field service management platform BigChange, to completely transform the management of its operation from paper forms and reports produced in Word and Excel, to a fully automated planning, scheduling, and reporting workflow.

Real-time updates combined with easy access to time-critical information enables the company to respond to a 30% increase in demand and generate a 10% increase in revenue.

Richard Jennings, Deputy Managing Director at Securitay said:

“To put it simply, BigChange allows us to do more with less. With BigChange, we can empower every team member to do what they are employed to do, rather than spending time on paper forms and reports. And because everything is automated, there are less mistakes and fewer omissions.”

📑You can read more about their story here.

And if you want to benefit like they have, let’s take a look at how. 👇

Cutting-edge technology is at your fingertips

We know firms are tired of paper-based processes or clunky field service management systems that can’t support your needs.

With technology like BigChange, you’ll have access to cutting-edge technology, plus integration experts to help make the transition seamless.

Put simply, ensuring your fire and security business is optimised in the era of self-service job management is critical to offering a frictionless experience for customers and engineers alike.

From integrations to business information, and backend functionality, BigChange has everything you need to take your fire and security business to the next level.

With the right software, you can have total confidence that you’ll get jobs done more efficiently and on budget, all while increasing profits and reducing job costs.

Tools like BigChange empower you to:

  • Enjoy a simplified and collaborative way to schedule and manage jobs and engineers
  • Get the right people and equipment to the right place at the right time
  • Improve accountability and fire and safety checks with pre-defined checks
  • Get an audit trail of compliance and risk assessments with evidence like photos and videos easily uploaded to the cloud
  • Mobile app for engineers keeps teams informed
  • Measure performance and control costs in real-time

Best of all, you can enjoy all these benefits from any web-enabled device in the cloud.

Ready to learn more? You can see exactly how we help fire and security teams on our dedicated industry page here or if you’re ready, find out which package is right for you.

Or to keep learning, you can check out these blogs:

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