Make It Official - Become BigChange Certified!

Jonathan Isaacs
June 19, 2023

Are you a Field Service Management newbie needing some recognition for learning a new system? Or maybe you’re an FSM software expert but don’t have a way to prove it? If only there was a shiny qualification to add to your LinkedIn profile to tell the world what you can do 🤔...

Introducing BigChange University, (or BCU to those in the know). Let's dive in to see why you should be excited about it 👇.

🎓Professional Development Matters

Whatever level you're at when you stop studying, whether it’s post-GCSEs or post-graduation, the sudden transition from schooling to working life can be brutal. Not only that, but once you have settled into your job your brain doesn’t suddenly switch gears and stop wanting to acquire new knowledge - and that’s true whatever your age and whether you loved or hated school!

Let’s be honest, work is about more than just earning a salary. It’s also about doing a job that you enjoy, that you’re good at and about the satisfaction that you feel from having that recognised. That also means having the opportunity to develop your skills.

At BigChange, we are passionate about the importance of professional development opportunities. Learning new skills shouldn't be difficult, expensive, or time-consuming. That's why we offer BCU to all our customers as a standard feature.

👨‍🎓 How It Works

As part of our exceptional Onboarding programme, every BigChange user gains access to BigChange University and there’s no time limit on it, it’s permanently available whilst you remain BigChange customers.

Learning has been divided up into three levels - Core, Advanced, and Expert – and we’ve cut it into bitesize pieces to make it easier to manage. Each learning module provides a combination of text and video content, so that it’s accessible whatever your learning style.

And here's the best part, whenever a new team member joins your organisation or someone changes role, the training is there waiting for them.

And the even better bit - after successfully completing each level you’ll receive a certificate you can proudly showcase on your social media profiles, including LinkedIn.

👩‍🎓 Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Here’s what one recent graduate, Victoria Carroll of customer Kem Pumps Ltd recently posted:

If you're a customer, why not enrol and become one of our 4,000+ proud graduates? Simply click here.

Not a customer yet, but intrigued by what you've seen? We're here to help. Talk to our sales team and lets explore the possibilities together!

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