New Out of Office function now in JobWatch

January 25, 2021

25 January 2021 - BigChange has released a new ‘Out of Office’ feature in JobWatch to clear up communication as we work from home.

The challenge of understanding precisely who’s available across an extended team or mobile workforce has always created headaches. Now that back-office teams have once again decamped to bedrooms and kitchens across the country, it has become harder to keep track of who’s available on any given day.

To help with this, BigChange has introduced an Out of Office feature, adding further functionality to Notes in JobWatch. When enabled, this will let everyone know you’re not working that day.

When someone tags a colleague in a note, the Out of Office notification will be displayed to them immediately, clearing up any confusion about whether a message has been seen or not and enabling any urgent actions to be allocated to someone who is available.

For businesses this helps improve communication with team-mates in other locations, and especially while we work from home, and for users it will help set up clear boundaries when you take time away from your work.

You can learn how to enable this new feature in our Out of Office overview video:

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