Tips To Keep Your Business Safe In The Wake of the 'Mother of All Data Breaches'

Jonathan Isaacs
January 31, 2024

Last week witnessed a seismic event in the digital landscape, dubbed the "mother of all data breaches." This release of a database containing over twenty-six billion passwords and items of sensitive data triggered the widespread alarm.

This incident highlights the importance of robust security, a priority we embrace at BigChange.

Let's explore how you can strengthen your online software defenses.

The Role of Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is like double-locking your digital doors. It's more than a simple latch for your online security - MFA acts as an additional bolt, guaranteeing that a leaked password alone isn't enough to grant access without the second key.

BigChange seamlessly provides MFA at no extra cost. The setup is straightforward - with a single click, all users are prompted at their next login to scan a QR code. This provides a six digit number that changes every thirty seconds and must be input along with a password before access is granted.

The Power of IP Whitelisting

Your business data should only be accessible from secure locations, akin to entrusting your house key to reliable neighbours.

IP whitelisting empowers you to manage system access based on user location. It's an ideal solution for those who require strict access controls, limiting entry to office premises or designated work-from-home areas. This feature is complimentary with BigChange, and administrators can configure it effortlessly with just a few clicks.

Role-Based Access Control

Role-based access control ensures that team members access only what's necessary. BigChange facilitates the creation of custom roles, which you can tailor to the specific areas of responsibilities. This is invaluable for guaranteeing that your finance team can access critical financial data while safeguarding your entire contacts database from unwanted downloads.

The Importance of Auditing and Logging

Imagine having a comprehensive record of every visitor to your house, their destinations once inside, and their actions. That's precisely what logging and auditing tools accomplish in the digital world. BigChange delivers this high-level supervision, enabling you to precisely monitor activities, detect anomalies, and pinpoint the source of any data breaches.

Managing Account Lifecycles

Just like retrieving house keys from a departing roommate, deactivating accounts for former employees is vital in preventing unauthorised access. BigChange streamlines this procedure, allowing you to promptly remove access privileges when they become leave, safeguarding your digital premises.

After the recent data breach, it's clear that cybersecurity isn't just a feature; it is vital for any online platform you use.

Whether through multi-factor authentication, IP whitelisting, role-based access, or effective account management, your online tools must offer this functionality.

BigChange does this, and does it free of charge.

For our customers, take a moment to review your security settings, and take a look at our support site for guidance on how to implement the best practice detailed above.

For others, it's time to think about how you're safeguarding your other digital assets.

For those who aren't yet part of the BigChange family and are interested in learning more about how we can help? Speak to one of our experts today.

In cybersecurity, being proactive isn't just wise; it's essential. With BigChange, you're not just protecting data but preserving your peace of mind.

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