How does ISO Certification build best practices for services businesses of all sizes?

July 25, 2019

What defines a quality business? Is it the customer support provided or the quality of the service or product they deliver?

Is it how the organisation is run or more about their ability to understand customer needs, harnessing innovative technology into sales and repeat customers?

Without a clear, multi-industry standard to quantify best business practices, it becomes very difficult to find and assess reliable partners for collaboration (such as through the BigChange Collaboration Network) or subcontractors. This is where business management accreditations come in.

By providing a comprehensive measure to evaluate how a business is run- from the top-down- companies of all sizes are instantly given the tools to determine: Is this business following industry-standard best practices in all the areas that our customers care about?

In this short blog, we will discuss the globally recognised and respected ISO certification, why it matters to your customers and the impact ISO certification can have on your bottom line.What is ISO 9100 certification?ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system. ISO 9100 implementation enables businesses and organizations to be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction by:

  • Demonstrating their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

The ISO 9100 certification process can be used by any organisation regardless of size or its scope of activity. Based on a core of quality management principles, the ISO audit and implementation aims to gauge best practices in;

  • Including a strong customer focus
  • The motivation and implication of top management
  • The process approach and continual improvement.

To date, over one million companies and organisations in over 170 countries have received ISO 9001 certification. Organisations must be re-certified every three years in order to maintain their ISO 9001 certification status.What value does ISO bring to your business?ISO 9001 certification is suitable for all sizes and types of organisations and is internationally recognised as an essential Quality Management System standard. The certification encompasses the entire organisation, thus the establishment of best practices via ISO 9001 permeates throughout every corner of the business- from mobile workers to back-office and upper management.

In practice, the implementation of ISO 9001 serves to benefit both your organisation and customers.Some of the benefits to your organisation:

  • Provides senior management with an efficient management process
  • Sets out areas of responsibility across the organisation
  • Mandatory if you want to tender for some public sector work
  • Communicates a positive message to staff and customers
  • Identifies and encourages more efficient and time-saving processes
  • Highlights deficiencies
  • Reduces your costs
  • Provides continuous assessment and improvement
  • Marketing opportunities

Some of the benefits to your customers:

  • Improved quality and service
  • Delivery on time
  • Right first-time attitude
  • Fewer returned products and complaints
  • Independent audit demonstrates a commitment to quality
  • Increased customer value
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improved customer loyalty
  • Enhanced repeat business
  • Enhanced reputation of the organisation
  • Expanded customer base
  • Increased revenue and market share

The dual approach of ISO 9001 drives continuous improvement. Your customers benefit by receiving products/services that meet their requirement while you deliver consistent performance. Internally, the organisation stands to profit from increased job satisfaction, improved morale, and improved customer retention.BigChange is ISO certified, how can we bring value to your operation?At BigChange, we recognised that 9001:2015 helps organisations achieve, benchmark and monitor high-quality performance across all their business operations. ISO 9001 provides a framework to ensure that requirements are met consistently, whilst keeping up to date with market developments and enhancing customer satisfaction. All this meant that it was the only logical choice of benchmark for developing our own management systems.

Relying upon the seven quality management principles, BigChange’s ISO certification enables our business to help yours in defining and optimising;

  • Customer focus, Leadership
  • Engagement of people
  • Process approach
  • Improvement
  • Evidence-based decision making
  • Relationship management.

Overall, we have calculated that with BigChange, you can look forward to a typical average of 20% improved workforce utilisation, first-time fix and productivity. With BigChange, and ISO 9001 your business can reach new levels of productivity and customer satisfaction!

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